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12 Signs You Need To Work On Your Relationship With Food

12 Signs You Need To Work On Your Relationship With Food: Disordered Eating Red Flags

I researched and created a guest Instagram post for Sophie Bertrand & Bari Stricoff of Forking Wellness covering several common "red flags" when it comes to spotting disordered eating or a problem with your relationship with food.

I'm super proud and excited to share this guest post on the Nutrition Upon Tyne blog and you can view the original post here on Instagram.

Eating behaviours lie on a spectrum from normal through to clinical eating disorders. Disordered eating sits in the middle of these and covers a range of subclinical symptoms and irregular eating patterns.

Once food, eating and body image start to take over your thoughts and negatively affect your daily life, this may be a 🚩red flag 🚩 that you need to work on your relationship with food.

A poor or disordered relationship with food can indicate we are dealing with an underlying issue causing our to be life out of balance. With too much focus on eating and weight instead of a well rounded approach which includes looking after yourself, providing nourishment, rest and enjoying a social life.

Disordered eating can affect your life in many different ways; have a think about the questions below.


  • How does the thought of food make you feel?

  • Are you anxious or fearful, do you get stressed if there's a change in your eating plans?

  • Are you more irritable than usual?


  • Do you experience obsessive thoughts around food and eating?

  • Do you feel inflexible and rigid in your thinking patterns?


  • Are you struggling to concentrate or sleep?

  • Do you perform any rituals such as daily weighing or body checking?

  • Has your relationship with food negatively affected your social life, causing you to cancel plans and lack spontaneity?

Eating behaviour and our beliefs around food are deeply personal and vary from person to person.

However, if you spot these common red flags in yourself or others it's a good indicator that you need to work on improving your relationship with food and finding food freedom!


Thank you for checking out this blog post!

Join us on Instagram @nutritionupontyne


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